课程目录:BDD for Non-Programmers: Live Workshop培训
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  BDD for Non-Programmers: Live Workshop培训



============== Day 01 =====================


Why BDD?
BDD as an extension of Agile
Agenda for Day 01
Applying BDD at Different Stages in the Software Development Cycle

Before development
During development
After development
One Language to Rule Them All

Engineers and non-engineers speak different languages
Bridging the gap through BDD
A preview of the BDD language: Gherkin
The Different Roles of BDD

BDD as product requirements (for product owner)
BDD as acceptance criteria (for developers)
BDD as test cases (for testers)
BDD as a description of the product (for other stake holders)
Back to Agile: It All Starts with User Stories

Overview of the Agile development cycle
The role of User Stories in Agile development
Q&A Session and Discussion


Creating a Good User Story

Using the right language
Role, Action, Outcome
A sample User Story
Activity - Writing a User Story

Writing your first User Story - individual activity
Tightening your User Stories - team activity
Delivering your User Story - team activity
User Stories in Real Projects

Team dynamics
Tools and techniques
User Stories in the software development cycle
On to BDD

Extending the User Story
Introducing the Feature File
Capturing the expected behavior of software
Imagining what "unexpected" behavior looks like
Creating a Good Feature File

Using the right language (Gherkin)
Given, When, Then
A sample Feature File
Activity - Writing a Feature File - PART 01

Writing your first Feature File - individual activity
Feature section
Scenario section
Tightening your Feature File - team activity
Delivering your Feature File - team activity
Feature Files in Real Projects

Team dynamics
Tools and techniques
User Stories in the software development cycle
Q&A Session and Discussion


Setting up Your Environment

Making Gherkin pretty
The joy of productivity
Activity - Writing a Feature File - PART 02

Writing your Feature File - individual activity
Passing multiple arguments to your Scenario
Scenario Outline section
Tightening your Feature File - team activity
Delivering your Feature File - team activity
Q&A Session and Discussion


Closing Remarks

============== Day 02 =====================


Recap of previous day
Agenda for Day 02
Your Own Product - An Introspection

Describing your product
Drawing a picture of your product
Extending Test Coverage

Usability of the system
Business requirements
Business processes
Activity - Writing a Feature File - PART 03

Writing your Feature File - individual activity
Examples section
Reusing data and scenarios
Organizing features and scenarios with tags
Tightening your Feature File - team activity
Delivering your Feature File - team activity
Q&A Session and Discussion


The Feature File - What to Leave Out

What to leave to the engineers
Low-level functionality (unit tests)
Exhaustive cross-component functionality (integration and API testing)
Q&A Session and Discussion


Your Own Product - An Introspection

How usable is your product?
How usable is your product to outside users?
Communication with People outside Your Team

Closing Remarks